Objective English Practice Set For Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Post Graduate Teachers Recruitment Exam
MCQ English for teachers Job Exams
Directions: In each of the following sentence, a blank has been given which
can be filled correctly by one of the four alternatives given under it. That is
your answer.
1. All too often journalists fail to ….. personal privacy.
(a) Consider
(b) Regard
(c) Respect
(d) Admire
2. It ….. to me that she was incurable.
(a) Suggested
(b) Flashed
(c) Happened
(d) Occurred
3. The police had to be called to control a ….. between two political groups.
(a) Brawl
(b) Confusion
(c) Riot
(d) Disturbance
4. I am feeling ….. better today.
(a) Too
(b) Rather
(c) Very
(d) Fairly
5. When you were sick, it was your mother who ….. you back to health.
(a) Aroused
(b) Urged
(c) Assured
(d) Nursed
6. The fact is so ….. that no one ever succeeded even in defining it.
(a) Elusive
(b) Slanderous
(c) Morbid
(d) Fragmentary
Answer: (a)
7. Vishakha ….. two minutes and thirty seconds to take the first place in the women’s 800m race.
(a) Ran
(b) Used
(c) Timed
(d) Clocked
Answer: (d)
8. The chairman treated the employees to a ….. lunch at an expensive hotel.
(a) Precious
(b) Sumptuous
(c) Thriving
(d) Stupendous
Answer. (b)
9. The whole plot was ….. well managed.
(a) Perfectly
(b) Nicely
(c) Exquisitely
(d) Exceedingly
Answer: (d)
10. The twins are so alike that I cannot ….. one from the other.
(a) Discern
(b) Tell
(c) Say
(d) Notice
Answer: (b)
Directions : Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Ready each paragraph carefully and answer the question
given below it
11. The virtue of art does not allow the work to be interfered with or immediately
ruled by anything other than itself. It insists that it alone shall touch the work
in order to bring it into being Art requires that nothing shall attain the
work except through art it self
This passage best supports the statement that
(a) Art is governed by external rules and conditions.
(b) Art is for the sake of art and life.
(c) Art is for the sake of art alone.
(d) Artist realizes his dreams through his artistic creation.
(e) Artist should use his art for the sake of society.
12. Due to enormous profits involved in smuggling, hundreds of persons have
been attracted towards this anti-national activity. Some of them became
millionaires overnight. India has a vast coast line both on the Eastern and
Western Coast. It has been a heaven for smugglers who have been carrying on
their activities with great impunity. There is no doubt, that from time to time
certain seizures were made by the enforcement authorities, during -raids
and ambush but even allowing these losses the smugglers made huge profits.
The passage best supports the statement that :
(a) Smuggling hampers the economic development of a nation.
(b) Smuggling ought to be curbed.
(c) Authorities are taking strict measures to curb smuggling.
(d) Smuggling is fast increasing in our country owing .to the quick profit it entails.
13. Emerson said that the poet was landlord, Sealord, air lord. The flight of
imagination made the poet master of land, sea and air. But a poet’s dream of
yesterday becomes today an ‘actual achievement and a reality for all men.
Even those who invented, improved and perfected the aero plane could hardly
have dreamt of the 'possibility of flight into outer space.
The passage best supports the statement that
(a) Seemingly impossible imaginations make one a good poet.
(b) All imaginations become a reality some day
(c) What man imagined has never been impossible; he has always
turned it a reality through his conception of ideas and sheer hard labor
(d) Man has reached the climax of technological development with his
exploration into outer space.
14. It is up to our government and planners to devise ways and means for the
mobilization of about ten core workers whose families total up about forty core
men, women and children. Our agriculture is over-manned. A lesser number of
agriculturists would mean more purchasing or spending power to every
agriculturist. This will result in the shortage of man-power for many
commodities to be produced for which there will be a new demand from a
prosperous agrarian class. This shortage will be removed by surplus man-power
released from agriculture as suggested above.
The passage best supports the statement that-
(a) Employment in production is more fruitful than the employment in agriculture.
(b) Indian economy is in a poor shape basically due to improper mobilization of
(c) A shift of labor from agricultural sector to the industrial sector would uplift
the living standard.
(d) The industrial sector is labor deficient t while the agricultural sector is over
manned in our country.
15. Throughout the ages the businessman has helped build civilization’s great
cities, provided people with luxuries and artists with patronage, and lift his fellow
citizens to understand the standard of living. In the last few centuries the
businessman has seeded the Industrial Revolution around the world.
The passage best' supports the statement that the businessman
(a) Is accountable to the Society
(b) Lives luxurious and comfortable life
(c) Is the beneficiary of the Industrial Revolution
(d) Is capable of raising his standard of living
(e) Has contributed to the growth of civilization
Directions: Read the passage given below and answer questions based on this passage
It is to progress in the human sciences that we must look to undo the evils which have
resulted from a knowledge of the physical world hastily and superficially acquired by
populations unconscious of the changes in themselves that the new knowledge has made
imperative. The road to a happier world than any known in the past lies open before us if
atavistic destructive passions can be kept in leash while the necessary adaptations are made.
Fears are inevitable in our time, but hopes are equally rational an far more likely to bear
Good fruit. We must learn to think rather less of the dangers to be avoided than of the
Good that will lie within our grasp if we can believe in it and let it dominate our thoughts.
Science, whatever unpleasant consequences it may have by the way, is in its very nature a
liberator, a liberator, of bondage to physical nature and in to come, a liberator from the
weight of destructive passions. We are on the threshold of utter disaster or unprecedentedly
glorious achievement. No previous age has been fraught with problems so momentous
and it is to science that we must look to for a happy future.
16. What does science liberate us from?
It liberates us from
(a) Bondage to physical nature
(b) Fears and destructive passions
(c) Idealistic hopes of a glorious future
(d) Slavery to physical nature and from passions
17. To carve out a bright future a man should
(a) Try to avoid dangers
(b) Overcome fears and dangers
(c) Cultivate a positive outlook
(d) Analyse dangers that lie ahead
18. If man’s bestial yearning is controlled
(a) The present will be brighter than the future.
(b) The present will become tolerant.
(c) The future will be brighter than the present.
(d) The fixture will be tolerant.
19. Fears and hopes, according to the author
(a) Can yield good results
(b) Can bear fruit
(c) Are irrational
(d) Are closely linked with the life of modern man
20. Should human sciences be developed because they will
(a) Eliminate the destruction caused by a superficial knowledge of the physical world
(b) Make us conscious of the changes in ourselves
(c) Make us conscious of the changing world
(d) Provide more knowledge of the physical world
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